New IUCN regional red list assessments for large carnivores in Europe

Author: John Linnell/Saturday, November 24, 2018/Categories: News

The latest updates to the IUCN red lists include a regional assessment for large carnivores in Europe. The versions currently online are a beta-version and still lack maps (the latest maps can be viewed on this home page under the "Large Carnivores" menu tab)  - but they do provide the latest population numbers, trends, and threat assessments. The good news in conservation is that on a continental scale the status of brown bears, Eurasian lynx, wolves and golden jackals in "Least Concern", and for wolverines it is "Vulnerable". Although there are some individual populations of bears (e.g. in the Pyrenees, the Alps and the Apennines) and lynx (e.g. the western Balkans) which are much more endangered, the broad scale picture is positive. The main challenges are less and less associated with saving these species from regional extinction, and more and more associated with finding pathways to sustainable coexistence. Links to the assessments; Bears, Eurasian lynx, wolves, wolverines and golden jackals. And a link to the LCIE's vision of how coexistence might look in a European context. Conducting a redlist assessment is a complex process and data has been provided by more than 100 large carnivores experts from all across Europe. Without their willingness to share information it would have been impossible to integrate so much knowledge on such elusive species on a continental scale.



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